MHVillage > Manufactured Home Advertising

Advertise on MHVillage

Reach Consumers or Industry Professionals with the Nation's #1 Website for Manufactured Housing

MHVillage offers a unique, engaged audience who either work in the industry or are interested in manufactured homes as a solution to their housing needs. We continually rank among the highest results for manufactured home related searches online. And unlike general real estate websites, you’re not competing against other housing types eager to steal away your best prospects.

If you're not advertising with MHVillage, the most active website for manufactured housing, you're simply missing out.

Advertise Your Homes for Sale or Rent

Advertise mobile homes for sale or rent

Since its inception in 2004, MHVillage has grown to become the nation’s largest website exclusively dedicated to manufactured housing. Millions of homebuyers shop, and we currently have more than 20,609 homes available for sale and 3,597 homes available for rent on our site. Which means if you want to reach homebuyers interested in manufactured housing, you've come to the right place.

Promote Your Community

Marketing solutions for manufactured home communities

Listing your community's basic information and photos on MHVillage is absolutely FREE. Or, you can advertise your park with a Showcase Community listing to show up in the first set of search results on MHVillage and get 5-10 times more views than a basic listing. You can also display rent specials, vacant site availability, and more to millions of manufactured housing shoppers.

Advertise Your Sales Center

Mobile home dealer advertising

All professional listing accounts include a Company Profile on The Company Profile is like your own personal web page within It features your listings, and only your listings. Your Company Profile is a great place to send prospects to show them all the homes you have available. You can update your page with your company's phone number, hours of operation, directions to your location, a description of your company, and more!

PPC & Display Advertising

Mobile home online ads

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and display advertising on MHVillage is an effective way to promote your products and services to millions of consumers interested in buying or selling manufactured homes. Because you can precisely target your market area on MHVillage, your ads will reach the ideal audience for your business to generate highly-qualified sales leads. And unlike general real estate websites, you’re not competing against other housing types eager to steal away your best prospects.

MHVillage Blogs & Email Newsletters

MHVillage media kit

MHVillage publishes timely, relevant, and valuable content for both consumers and industry professionals every month on our MHVillager and MHInsider blogs and email newsletters. And we offer several advertising opportunities on each of these publications. It's a great way to reach our controlled circulation list of tens of thousands of engaged readers to generate sales leads for your products and services.

MHInsider Magazine & Buyer's Guide

Advertising for manufactured housing professionals

The MHInsider has established a reputation for insightful coverage of the most recent, relevant trends in the manufactured housing industry, as well as breaking news and legislative updates – making it the perfect vehicle to carry your advertising message to industry decision makers nationwide. Plus, our site and annual print directory are great ways to reach industry professionals searching for the products and services you sell.